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Proper maintenance will help reduce car engine car fuel consumption
Release time:2013.07.31 News source:Yuhuan TRV Throttle Body Co.,ltd,Throttle Body,Throttle Valve Browsing number:

People use and maintenance of the car there are some false belief, false belief that these low levels in the automotive, repair backward, the lack of testing means the era of long form. These false belief sometimes seems correct, it is not true, with great harm, will make the vehicle is damage, personal safety is threatened, and thus more likely to be buried accident hazards, or cause vehicle performance degradation, accelerated wear and tear, shortened life expectancy and so on.
      According to the Throttle Body Kero noted, first clean the air filter, air filter clogging or if too much dust will cause poor engine air intake, and a lot of dust into the cylinder, the cylinder will accelerate the rate of coke the engine ignition sluggish, underpowered, vehicle fuel consumption will naturally rise.

      Second, we must clean fuel injectors coke, because the combustion chamber is easy to produce coke and coke can cause difficulty in starting; injector will cause the oil duct blockage coke, fuel injection deformation, poor atomization, fuel consumption will naturally increases. Moreover, you should get rid of the throttle sludge, sludge generated at the throttle for many reasons, some are fuel combustion exhaust gas in the throttle at the formation of coke; Then there was not air cleaner filter impurities in the throttle at residue formation. Sludge intake will produce more air resistance, resulting in increased fuel consumption.
     Remove the engine thermostat blind, if the engine temperature is high due to blindly remove the thermostat, coolant can only be a cycle, you can not adjust the cooling intensity is difficult to ensure that the engine in a more appropriate temperatures, but often at a low temperature so that the engine mode of operation, causing the engine power down, accelerated wear and tear, fuel consumption increases. If the engine thermostat faulty repair or replacement, the engine temperature is still high, it should overhaul other parts of the cooling system, not dismantle the thermostat.
       Low engine temperature afraid of heights afraid, some people think that driving low engine temperature afraid of heights afraid. In fact, the engine temperature is low is also a great danger. Car use should be based on the normal temperature driving instructions provided in order to ensure the life of the engine.
     Pump fan belt tighter, the better, the more tightly the belt is not possible. Tight belt stretched or broken not only to shorten the life of the belt, but also because of excessive tension, resulting in the generator shaft, the pump shaft bending deformation, and premature failure of the bearing. Car engine fan belt tightness shall meet the technical requirements, the normal deflection of the belt assembly 10-15mm is appropriate.
      Engine idling warming, warming up with idle, due to low speed, oil pump the oil can not be quickly pressed into the surface of the lubrication, oil is also low, so that the engine of the moving parts in the dry or semi-dry friction state friction work; poor atomization of fuel due to low temperature, so that unburned fuel into the crankcase, wash away the oil film on the cylinder wall, will accelerate the mechanical wear and tear. So, after a few seconds the engine starts, the application of fast idle warming, improve engine lubrication conditions.
     According to the Throttle Body Kero understand baking oil at the end with a torch in winter with a blowtorch baking oil at the end, not only will the oil additive chemical changes, lose their properties, but also to make oil cement, oil pan deformation easily lead to a fire. The best approach is based on the local winter minimum temperature used to adapt oil. In areas where conditions permit, it is best to heat the vehicle parked in a garage facilities. The removal of the more advanced method is to remove the ultrasonic method and the jet core removal method, but the most used, the simplest way is to remove the physical and chemical removal method.

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