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Started selling cars online is not yet perfect
Release time:2013.08.22 News source:Yuhuan TRV Throttle Body Co.,ltd,Throttle Body,Throttle Valve Browsing number:
In today's increasingly developed e-commerce, online shopping is nothing new, online purchase from us getting closer. However, the car after all commodities, consumer online transactions biggest concern is what? Online car meets people's spending habits? Traditional 4S stores will not be replaced?
According to the Throttle Body   Kero noted, the digital age, consumer behavior is undergoing fundamental change. The face of increasingly fierce market competition, the huge selling pressure, the major car companies have started marketing department placed greater hope for the Internet.

In addition to these brand manufacturers official flagship store, the other some brands of 4S stores have plunged headlong into the network, in the days of the cat door to drum up business. Compared to the manufacturers of network dealers, dealers of these brands shop seems to be driven display of publicity based, online display monthly sales are zero, and the number of stores Ali nobody to take care of. Open shop for dealers selling cars concerned, Hangzhou many brands of 4S shop, general manager and not supported.
Online car, all the processes are available online to get it? After payment can be sent to the car door? Car has a problem how to do? Sales maintenance go? In fact, all car manufacturers official flagship store or shop Lynx 4S shop, in addition to on-line delivery of the deposit, the balance of payments, to mention cars, so a series of car on the card must be online to complete the process, the corresponding region of the 4S shop provide all follow-up services.

Online car dealers, car sales will become an important pole. The biggest advantages are: first, to reduce costs, including the high cost of construction of shops, the daily operating costs; Second, the network has information-gathering function, can be used as an extension and complement physical sales. "Insiders Zhang analysis:" In order not to impact dealer network selling cars early, many manufacturers will introduce some specific models abandon the traditional channels, a network of exclusive models, these models will also be open net network new car sales mode.

With the automotive consumer market matures, will gradually become C2B, the consumer demand production to the merchant's sales model. First by the network platform to collect customer orders and the configuration, interior, color and other attributes of the needs, and then by the manufacturers customized production, more targeted and efficient. And many industry insiders believe that the biggest obstacle for online car or booster is the "Auto Warranty." Famous car commentator, said Jia Xinguang, Auto Warranty introduction of the consumption environment for improving the current car and car sales model has a great role in promoting. Thus, consumers in the network of tens of thousands or even several hundred thousand dollars to spend on a car would not have so much to worry about.
According to the Throttle Body  Kero know, by virtue of 90% of the market share, the Internet has become a consumer to understand the main channel for automotive information. Speaking of car manufacturers to increase online sales efforts topic, CEO Qin Zhiming car home indeed that micro-growth era, with the changes in consumer behavior, automotive digital marketing is car prices must do. Automotive Digital Marketing has entered a stage of deep plowing, car prices and marketing platform should be sufficient preparation.
It is understood that digital marketing is the core of "aggregate effective user - find sales leads - formed purchase - sales increase." In other words, the car manufacturers, deep digital marketing is not just a simple brand marketing, more importantly, is the use of digital marketing platform to boost sales.

Car prices continue to overweight Digital Marketing, is undoubtedly the main purpose is to be able to sell more cars. Interview Beijing Daily reporter learned that, Geely now has 974 dealers set up a specialized Internet marketing department to better participate in the online Geely Group initiated a variety of activities, and even take the initiative to carry out various promotional activities perpendicular to the Internet by the hand of the customer by telephone to track about a test drive, etc., will eventually become buyers intention customers.
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