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Kero throttle body remind motorists to be vigilant eye blind
Release time:2013.09.06 News source:Yuhuan TRV Throttle Body Co.,ltd,Throttle Body,Throttle Valve Browsing number:

There are three columns on each side generally sedan which ramps on both sides of the front windshield pillar called the A-pillar . Whenever the car or into the corner before the turn , the driver's field of vision will be part of the A-pillar cover , resulting in a blind spot on the field . Of course, now many new cars will be in the A-pillar add a small triangle next to the window , so although slightly improved vision can play a role, but does not fundamentally solve the problem of the A-pillar blind spot . For automotive designers , A pillar size has always existed a dilemma. Too small will result in lack of body strength , would affect the driver's field of vision too .
      Overtaking with the car is also very dangerous . Usually after overtaking the vehicle in front and walk straight road , at the moment there will be room for two cars to squeeze into the middle . But across the car quickly, before the car will be hurried and anxious Shui Tao put you hanging in the overtaking lane . This time around, you will be in an impossible position . Even more dangerous is that the lap before the car than you , you can not see oncoming vehicles , the front car and road when overtaking , but across the car began to accelerate .
      According to the  Throttle Valve  Kero learned in high-speed driving on rural roads or when driving , if the event of a cart follow closely , we must be alert to the danger of rear-end collision . It is best to hit the turn , slow down, pull over , let carts first.
      At the same distance and speed , rear-end carts danger and the degree of injury is far greater than the car , if not and carts distance, rather with the carts, rather than let carts with .
     Road driving often encounter due to the existence of broken short sand pavement. If high-speed pass is very dangerous . Generally the vehicle in case of emergency , people will subconsciously brake or avoid the flash , but in such a road , the vehicles will become a runaway horse , will think of posture, rushed toward the unexpected direction . Slow down in advance and to take preventive measures against possible trouble.
Vehicles A and B-pillars most likely to form driving blind spot, which means the A-pillar between the windshield and the front left door pillar . When the vehicle is turning , it will block the driver's view to varying degrees , especially when turning left obscured more serious . In the cockpit of the B-pillar between the front and rear seats , mainly in the blind side of the vehicle , when the vehicle is in motion , you need a wide angle hooked the outside , B pillar block line of sight range is very large , it is possible with the right side of the normal vehicles collide.
Therefore , the owner of the vehicle while driving , you should move back and forth through the body , avoiding the A-pillar cover blind spots , especially in the corner , they can slow down , observe the front of the road conditions ahead , and try to avoid large angle deflection . If the turning angle must be big , it must go through two or three observation car on the right road , slow-moving , and ensure safety .
Blind spot mirrors can be divided into the cab blind spot mirrors and blind spot mirrors left and right side outside the cab . The former is directly behind the rear bumper of the vehicle , below the height of the object after the car , the driver can not be found . The latter observation was mainly due to the limited scope mirror and can not collect all of the information around the body .
Generally speaking , the right blind spot mirrors a lot of people know, and the left rear-view mirror blind spot seems rarely mentioned . In fact , the owners , especially in the process of moving from side roads on the main road , did not see the vehicle from the left rearview mirror , if accelerating large-angle cut on the innermost lane is very easy and is the innermost lane high-speed vehicles collide.
For rear vision blind spot , owners should develop in a moving vehicle before checking whether there are obstacles rear habits.
As for the left and right side blind spot mirrors outside the cab when the vehicle needs to change lines or when turning , turn signals needed to ensure safety , because of the body to form an angle with the lane , left rear view mirror vision is also a corresponding deflection angle just do not see the situation closer to the innermost lane , so every large angles and lines always turned to glance carefully , slow deflection .
Many cars in pursuit streamlined and reduce drag , the front windshield slope smaller, also led to the driver on the front sight observation is not in place , and if there are children or kittens , puppies in front of the car underbody or play, do not pay attention will lead to tragedy.
Therefore, in the process of moving , in order to avoid security risks posed by the front blind spot , the driver and the vehicle in front to try to keep a longer distance , to prevent rear-end collision . And look around at the start before the best situation .
Kero  Throttle Valve  Reminder: For vehicle blind spots , no other way but to remind vehicle to careful, not superstition, reversing radar , reversing radar because there are blind spots, when small children in the car , they might not alarm . Before entering the cockpit , to develop around a circle around the vehicle with the observation car underbody habits, start the vehicle , a few speakers and then move forward.

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