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Smart city's most essential point is to make people's happiness index higher
Release time:2013.11.15 News source:Yuhuan TRV Throttle Body Co.,ltd,Throttle Body,Throttle Valve Browsing number:

With cloud computing, mobile, social , big data driven , IT services are showing a growing trend . In this trend, the Internet and mobile Internet company like a duck to maintain strong growth momentum , while many traditional industrial revolution had led IT giants , including IBM, Microsoft and other growth into decline, began a new round of adjustment . In this context , enterprise-class IT service providers how to seize the opportunity to strengthen , how to embrace the development of IT services to find the path of transformation , becoming the focus of traditional IT companies .
     According Kero throttle body noted that in recent years , Beijing Jiaotong networking technology to develop and build intelligent transportation , improve the operational efficiency of urban transport . Among them, the extreme weather urban road traffic to ensure smooth project is a demonstration project focused on Beijing IOT applications , the use of a sense of things , communication , knowledge, using technology to achieve major roads and highway bridges integrated monitoring , risk analysis, evaluation and forecasting Paul Chang conductor. Construction of the project to improve the rain, snow, fog, haze and other extreme weather conditions to ensure smooth road capacity, improve the level of everyday road traffic safety and operational efficiency .
     Extreme weather urban road traffic to ensure smooth project can achieve things together comprehensive monitoring , through access to the professional sector IOT sensory data , integrated display real-time status data . Initiative to achieve danger alarm , make full use of networking technology , so dangerous active discovery , auto-sensing . Congestion can be expected to achieve , the predictability time for risk . Can also be based on the industry , regulatory, operational data and emergency class data integration.
     According to the throttle body Kero introduced intelligent transportation refers to the traffic information center as the core , connecting city bus , city taxi , highways, rail transport , long-distance passenger transport, air transport , rail transport, a comprehensive work together , people , vehicles, roads , environment and transportation systems integration for travelers and traffic regulatory authorities to provide real-time traffic information to make more smooth road network to make urban transport ( bus, taxi , rail , etc. ) is more convenient ; make vehicles safer operation and reduce traffic accidents , and provide incident handling efficiency ; provide traffic operation , traffic , events, travel information for the public to provide a variety of travel services. Effectively alleviate traffic congestion, rapid response emergency situation for the healthy functioning of urban arteries provide scientific decision-making .
     The main areas of intelligent transportation : road network operation monitoring and services, improve the road network running regulatory standards for the road network planning, construction and industry management decision support , for the public to provide comprehensive, relevance travel service information ( traffic , maintenance and construction , traffic control , weather , etc. ) .
     Among them, the operational vehicle dynamic monitoring platform for domestic passenger class lines , tourism charter , transportation of hazardous chemicals , buses, official vehicles , school buses and other vehicles units , the industry regulator units to provide security monitoring and operational management of the technical service platform to meet car units reduce car costs , improve the efficiency of vehicles , improve traffic safety and other regulatory requirements .
     Traffic information release system, integrating various types of operations, statistical analysis of data, relying on the present site , broadcasting, information screens, text messages and other information service carrier, simultaneous access to micro-blog , micro-channel information carriers and other new services , to provide early warning information, events disposition , for the public to provide traffic control, lane construction detour recommendation , evacuation and other travel tips information dissemination services.
Intelligent Transportation refers to the advanced IT technology to transport infrastructure , transport , transportation planning, traffic management and other aspects , thus providing a more secure , convenient, environmentally friendly, comfortable transport services. China 's intelligent transportation , driven in large projects has made considerable progress, but compared with developed countries there is a big gap.
Smart city's most essential point is to make people's happiness index higher . Construction of urban public information service platform on the one hand is to integrate and create valuable information , the promotion of social life more convenient ; hand through information integration and sharing , making the city's managers and members of the public , businesses, and managed from the tube and asked to be freed roles required , the use of information technology platform to build smooth communication mechanism.

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