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China's development of a huge space vehicle networking, the future prospects for the future
Release time:2013.06.17 News source:Yuhuan TRV Throttle Body Co.,ltd,Throttle Body,Throttle Valve Browsing number:

The continuous development of the automotive industry has brought civilization to mankind, brought great wealth and convenience, but also changed the way people live. Meanwhile, the extensive use of the car, but also consumes a lot of resources and energy, bringing a considerable degree of environmental pollution.
According to the    Throttle Body   Kero understanding vehicle networking (Internet of Vehicle) is networking in the field of intelligent transportation a subdivision application, strategic emerging industries in our country has a very important position. It is predicted that by 2020 China car networking market will reach 200 billion yuan, and can drive the car electronics, car navigation and other industry's rapid development, ease traffic safety accidents, reduce traffic congestion, reduce energy consumption to play a greater role. Currently, the U.S., Japan and Europe and other developed countries and regions, the development of vehicle networking how? Traffic areas in urgent need of the practical needs of networked vehicles, why car network development is still in its infancy? How better to learn from foreign experience, accelerate the development of vehicles Networking? these are worthy of our in-depth study.

       Currently, the traffic problem to a certain extent has become China's social problems, especially traffic congestion led to huge waste of energy is thought-provoking. According to the data analysis, China's annual consumption of fuel per vehicle up to 2.3 tons, while the United States is 1.8 tons, the EU is 1.5 tons, Japan is 1.1 tons. With increasingly tight supply of oil resources, the automotive industry has been quietly rising winds of change. This aspect of the transformation from the car itself, the development of energy-efficient conventional vehicles and new energy vehicle automobile industry has become an inevitable choice. Other hand, the change from the car outside the intelligent information network system.

       Along with the development of automotive information, the world's auto industry is shifting from traditional car manufacturing to automotive information service fast transfer, car networking as an important part of the information services industry has been developed and the car company's attention.

     "Networked car" is a strong base, covering a wide range of typical networking applications. Auto install sensors, radar that can sense to prevent accidents; install GPS / Beidou system, positioning system, can be achieved in-transit tracking and route optimization, combined with road monitoring sensors that can discover and optimize traffic flow; cars and remote control center information exchange can achieve remote start or lock, to prevent the car was robbery and so on.

       Intelligent transportation technology enables traffic congestion reduced by approximately 60%, to achieve short-distance transport efficiency by nearly 70%, to achieve the existing road network capacity increased 2-3 fold. Vehicles traveling within the intelligent transportation system, parking times can be reduced by 30% journey time reduced by 13% -45%, vehicle efficiency can be increased by 50% or more. Meanwhile, the average speed will also bring increased fuel consumption and vehicle emissions to reduce emissions, fuel consumption can be reduced by 15% thereby. Statistics show that traffic accidents every year in China is only a result of injury, death more than 50 million the number of people, tens of thousands of deaths. Intelligent transportation technology will greatly improve traffic management, reduce accidents and make the vehicle safety accident rate 20% lower than it is now, traffic fatalities decreased by 30% -70%. To this end, the development of China's automobile industry car networking development has important practical significance.

      China is the world's largest auto market, according to the current rate of development of widely used car, 2020 car ownership in China will be over 200 million. Such a huge market for the Chinese automotive vehicle networking services provide a strong growth momentum, based on vehicle networking technology matures, to promote the application with various conditions, vehicle networking will become major breakthroughs in the field of networking.

   According Kero    Throttle Body   aware, car networking platform by the network, vehicles, driving environment, sensing terminals and communications technology five parts. Among them, the driving environment, including road information, traffic lights and other infrastructure, nearby vehicles, pedestrians and other vehicles associated with the external environment. Network platform, vehicle and driving a vehicle constitutes a networked environment, "skeleton." Vehicle driving environment information collection and dissemination rely installed in a vehicle, driving environment sensing terminal to achieve; networking platform between the vehicle and the driving environment "interoperability" is relying on RFID and 3G, 4G networks, and other wireless communications techniques.
       According to the evaluation and analysis, starting in 2010, the car networking market is growing at an annual rate of 20% -60% growth, with China's automobile production and sales continue to improve in the coming years will usher in rapid development of automotive service market, China Cars will enter the car networking era.

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